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Universidad de Murcia Diploma
Universidad de Murcia Diploma

Buy Fake Universidad de Murcia Diploma, Buy Spain Fake Diploma, The University of Murcia (UM) is a Spanish public university located in the Region of Murcia (Spain). Its centers are distributed in five campuses. Originally founded in 12721​under the Crown of Castile and later in 1915.5​It has more than 34,000 students3​and a university with national and international recognition. It belongs to the Campus of International Excellence program in the “Campus Mare Nostrum” project together with the Polytechnic University of Cartagena.

The origins of the University of Murcia have always been sought in various medieval educational institutions that were founded after the conquest of Murcia, such as the School of Murcia, a studium arabicum directed by Al-Ricotí founded by Alfonso X of Castile in 1269, or the solemn studium of the Dominicans, a convent school that was applied to the study of oriental languages, scriptures and theology after the founding of the Convent of Santo Domingo in 1272, which is considered the antecedent of a general studium.

Later, the most important educational institutions in the city and the Kingdom of Murcia would be the Colegio de San Esteban (founded in 1555 by Bishop Esteban de Almeyda) and the Seminario Mayor de San Fulgencio founded in 1592 by Bishop Sancho Dávila Toledo, where important personalities such as the Count of Floridablanca or Diego Clemencín studied. In addition to the fact that prominent scholars became teachers such as Salvador Jacinto Polo de Medina and Francisco Cascales. This institution, during the episcopate of Rubín de Celis (1773-1784) obtained from the state the privilege of granting higher degrees based on the non-existence of a University in the kingdom of Murcia and thus open it to the laity.


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